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Padding Plants

Padding machines are used in pipelines built to safely transport various products from the underground. It eliminates the stones and other unwanted coarse pieces in the soils that backfill the pipes for the protection of them. Padding machines is a kind of vibrating screen with craler set for easy movement on the ground. It is self-propelled  and it moves and sieves the soil into the ditch with the help of conveyor belt at the same time. Whether it is both oil & natural gas pipelines or water or sewer system pipelines, the line sustains for a long time is only thanks to the padding. Instead of carrying the soil that is sieved in somewhere else with vehicles for padding to the working field, padding machines can easily do the same duty by moving along the trench. It provides great convenience in terms of both time and cost.

Evortle Padding Machines

Evortle has adopted the principle of manufacturing machines which are user-friendly, easy to control and operated by one person. Evortle Padding Machines fully complies with this principle. They can be started and moved with the help of the remote control from a safe distance. The material, which is filled with the help of an earthmower, first meets with the grizzly whose slope can be adjusted hydraulically. The speed-adjustable feeder transmits the pre-screened materials to the screen box. Passing through the Evortle forced vibrating system and double-deck screen, the material falls onto the padding belt. Optional piano-type screen wire can be used in the screen box in order to sieve even the wet materials. The movable padding belt is retracted when necessary, ensuring that the soil falls directly into the trench from above. It can be folded hydraulically at the end of the job to facilitate transport.

Evortle padding machines, with economical maintenance and enduring features, have proved themselves in international projects, such as TANAP. With these features, they are unique on trench padding in your pipeline projects.

PM 800 F

Based on the principle of “Different solutions for your different needs”, Beyer PM800-F padding plants come to the fore with its 6m3 capacity feeder in cases where a large feeder is required in padding facilities. The feeder eliminates the need for constant feeding and gives the Plant the opportunity to move independently. The ability to change the direction of the belts allows the use of soil stacked in different directions.

PM 800 S

Pipelines are not always built on flat grounds. Beyer PM800-S padding plants eliminate your geographical disadvantage by enabling you to continue your work with the same power and efficiency on slopes up to 15 degrees.

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